
Preps ready for first day of school

All set: Lienke Olivier, 5, in her school uniform. Photo by Chloe Newnham

Students at Kyabram P-12 and St Augustine’s College are gearing up to return to classrooms this week, marking the end of the summer break.

And there’s a special mix of nerves and excitement among the Preps about to begin their schooling adventure.

Mother Esmaire Olivier is looking forward to her eldest child, Lienke, embarking on the Prep year at St Augustine’s.

“Lienke likes her new teacher,” Mrs Olivier said.

“Lienke was very shy when we did the transition day, and her teacher was very helpful.”

Having relocated from South Africa to Australia in September, Mrs Olivier is ready to embrace the new routine with her daughter.

“We received an information sheet from the teacher with a packet of glitter,” Mrs Olivier said.

As they prepare for this new chapter, Lienke is excited about making new friends, delving into music and Italian lessons, and enjoying playtime on the school playground.

There are specific arrangements in place for different grade levels at the two schools.

For Kyabram P-12 students, only Years 1 to 7 and Year 12 will begin classes on Wednesday, January 31.

The Preps and students from Years 8 to 11 will resume their academic routines on Thursday, February 1.

Similarly, at St Augustine’s College, the Preps, Year 7, 11, and 12 students will begin their classes on Wednesday, January 31.

Other year levels will join them on Thursday, February 1, ensuring a staggered return to accommodate the different grades.

This phased approach aims to facilitate a smooth transition back to school for students and staff alike.