
Project brings birds to the garden

The Berrigan Community Garden has had some generous assistance from the Men’s Shed with the construction and installation of a shelter for the bird bath.

This has encouraged a larger variety of birds as some prefer protection from predators.

Members have been busy planting winter vegetables, cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, swede, turnips and beetroot.

If you would like to be a member, call in on Wednesday at 1.30pm or Saturday at 9.30am. We finish with a cuppa and friendly chat.

You are welcome to visit the garden at your leisure.


The Berrigan Children's Centre Association invites the wider Berrigan community to a high tea to celebrate Mother's Day on Sunday, May 5 at the Berrigan Sportsground from 2pm to 4pm.

Tickets are $50, or $30 for concession holders, which includes high tea, tea and coffee and a glass of Prosecco. There will also be a raffle and lucky door prize.

Buy your ticket from the Berrigan Pharmacy or Berrigan Children Centre. Cash only.


School holidays are here and the local libraries are running ‘Card Making Fun’.

Bring your children along to a creative hour making gorgeous cards.

All materials are supplied and bookings would be appreciated.

The Berrigan session will be held this Friday, April 26.


Murrumbidgee Primary Health Network's Conversation on the Couch is coming to Berrigan on Wednesday, May 1, 10.30am to 12.30pm, outside the Berrigan Bakehouse.

This is an opportunity to share your thoughts on health in our community and ideas on how health can be improved. You can help plan health needs now and into the future.


Sunday, April 28 will be the IGA Trade Day - a four person ambrose with tee off at 10am. Organise your own team.

Cost is $25 per head. A presentation and barbecue will follow golf.