
Proposed Fawckner Dve precinct development takes next step

Big changes: Benalla Rural City Council's Fawckner Dve precinct development masterplan is open for public feedback. Photo by Simon Ruppert

A draft masterplan for the Fawckner Dve precinct has been placed on public exhibition following its endorsement at the June Benalla Rural City Council meeting.

Mayor Bernie Hearn said developing a masterplan was a crucial step to help council secure funding for the development, and enhancement of this area.

“Situated close to the Benalla CBD on the shores of Lake Benalla, and hosting the monthly Benalla Farmers’ Market, the Fawckner Dve precinct is a focal point for the Benalla Rural City community,” Cr Hearn said.

“This masterplan aims to create a vision for the transformation of the precinct into a space that promotes inclusivity, increases recreational opportunities and has a focus on sustainable development.

“We want to retain the elements that make this precinct so special. This includes retaining the tree cover and planting more trees in the area to provide more natural shade.

“Once we have a masterplan we can then approach Victorian and Australian governments for funding.

“The development of the masterplan is an important step in realising the potential of this community focal point.

“The development of the precinct will likely take a staged approach, dependent on securing funding, and the public will be given the opportunity to provide feedback on detailed designs of each stage as they are realised.”

Developed by recreation and open space planners Playce, the draft masterplan was created based on extensive community consultation and feedback from a range of key stakeholders.

The precinct is home to essential facilities such as the skatepark and BMX track, community event spaces, Lake Benalla walking track, the Sir Edward ‘Weary’ Dunlop Learning Centre (Benalla Library) and the Senior Citizens Centre.

“The community consultation process for the development of the draft masterplan has been very thorough, and has included a diverse range of engagement activities,” Cr Hearn said.

“These community consultation activities included face-to-face engagement at the Benalla Lakeside Market, a stall at the Benalla Skate Park competition, meetings with the Age Friendly Reference Group, a presentation at the U3A Benalla Annual General Meeting, and on-site signage with QR codes to take part in online surveys.”

Prior to the council's formal adoption, the masterplan will be displayed on public exhibition until Friday, August 11, allowing community members to review and provide their valuable input.

This exhibition phase aims to ensure that the final masterplan is reflective of the community’s ideas and aspirations for the precinct.

Residents and stakeholders are encouraged to participate in the public exhibition phase by reviewing the draft masterplan and providing valuable feedback.

For more information and to access the draft masterplan, visit