
Proposed war memorial to require community support

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Memorial initiative: Yarroweyah raised Peter Sutton is asking for community support for a creation of a new memorial in the town of Yarroweyah. Photo by Rechelle Zammit

A new war memorial has been proposed for the towns of Yarroweyah and Koonoomoo but will need evidence of community support to become reality.

The proposed memorial will honour service men and women from the two towns who served during the two world wars and Vietnam.

It’s planned location is the Yarroweyah Memorial Hall.

For Peter Sutton, who is the driving force behind the initiative, it’s personal.

“As the number of veterans diminish, a war memorial assumes greater importance,” Mr Sutton said.

“I grew up in Yarroweyah and knew many who were returned servicemen. My grandfather Walter Sutton was one of them.”

According to Mr Sutton, war memorials serve a dual purpose as both a way to honour and recognise the sacrifices of those who served and to educate future generations about the human aspect of war.

“Gates and halls, parks and reserves bearing the word memorial are important,” he said.

“(However) they’re not personal and do not evoke the same response.

“Names of real people listed on a memorial are more effective, as they humanise the tragedy.”

Mr Sutton said that he needs letters of community support for the council to consider his initiative.

“Moira Shire needs to see that the community is behind honouring our veterans,” he said.

“The more letters the better.”

If you wish to send a letter of support you can email it to