
Protect your pets against mozzies

Photo by Box5

We all love our pets, and being armed with knowledge on how best to protect them is the most effective way to care for them.

Did you know that common pest repellents we use on ourselves are harmful to pets ?

Insect repellents that contain the following products can be toxic to pets, sometimes even fatal:


• Citronella

• Eucalyptus oils

• Tea tree oil

• Many essential oils

The team at the Finley Veterinary Clinic also warn that you should never use a ‘dog-only’ products containing pyrethrin/permethrin on your cats, as this can also be fatal.

Veterinary recommended products for dogs include Advatix Spot On, which is registered for mosquitoes, midges and biting flies.

Topical sprays such as Repel-x and Flygon are also good.

When it comes to cats, there really isn’t a repellent safe for them.

You should try to avoid mosquitoes in the environment by using insect screens, mosquito repelling plants and removing stagnate water.

When it comes to mozzie breeding grounds, standing water is their home base.

This includes water containers, ponds or puddles in your yard.

It is important to keep them covered or cleaned as best you can.

Common mosquito repelling plants that are safe for pets are: Basil, catnip, lemon balm and rosemary.

Want to know more or need help protecting your pets from mozzies, contact the Finley Veterinary Clinic for more details.

It operates in both Finley and Tocumwal.

The Finley Clinic is located at 21 Pinnuck St, Finley and is open 8.30am to 5.30pm weekdays. Call the Clinic on 5890 8444. This is also the number for the 24 hour emergency service.

The Tocumwal Clinic is located at 8 Murray St, Tocumwal and is open Tuesday from 9am to noon.

For more information about the Finley Veterinary Clinic or its many services, go to