
Protect yourself from mosquitoes

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Be cautious: Protect yourself from the heightened risk of mosquitoes from the floods. Photo by Megan Fisher

After the recent flooding and ongoing wet weather, the Goulburn Valley Public Health Unit is urging the community to use preventative measures to protect themselves and their families from potential mosquito-borne illnesses.

“With the wet weather and flooding that has occurred in some areas of the region, we are seeing increasing mosquito activity,” Goulburn Valley Public Health Unit Clinical Director Will Cross said.

“Some of these mozzies in our community can carry viruses that can make you very sick.”

To keep you and your family protected, the Public Health Unit has released eight tips so you can stay safe.

  1. Wear long, loose-fitting clothing.
  2. Apply mosquito repellents containing picaridin or DEET to all exposed skin.
  3. Limit outdoor activity when more mosquitoes are out.
  4. Remove stagnant water around your house or campsite if it is safe to do so.
  5. On holidays, ensure your accommodation is fitted with mosquito netting or screens for an extra layer of protection.
  6. Use ‘knock-down’ fly spray, mosquito coils or plug-in repellents outdoors.
  7. Protect your children by checking the insect repellent labels and applying them appropriately to keep them safe.
  8. Get vaccinated against Japanese encephalitis if you are eligible.

“Mosquito-borne illnesses are a serious concern, and prevention is key. By following these simple yet effective tips, you can significantly reduce the risk of mosquito bites and the potential transmission of diseases,” Dr Cross said.

“Additionally, vaccination against Japanese encephalitis is a crucial step in safeguarding your health.

“Recent flooding has created a conducive environment for mosquitoes, heightening the risk of mosquito-borne diseases.

“Taking these precautions is not just advisable, it’s essential for the health and wellbeing of our community.”