Public health unit urges community to avoid flood waters

Safety: GV Health Public Health Unit has reminded the community to avoid flood waters. Photo by Megan Fisher

Goulburn Valley Health’s Public Health Unit is urging communities in flood-impacted areas to avoid flood waters where possible to remain safe and healthy.

Due to the recent high rain falls, flooding has had a serious impact across local communities in the Goulburn Valley region.

GV Health is reminding the community that flooding is dangerous and can increase your risk of injury and illness.

Health professionals say the community can ensure they stay healthy and safe by never entering, swimming, or allowing children to play in floodwaters.

“It is best to avoid contact with flood water if at all possible and if you do have contact with floodwater, wash your hands with soap and clean water, especially after clean-up activities,” Clinical Director for Goulburn Valley Health’s Public Health Unit Will Cross said.

“The heavy rain and flood waters will have washed pollutants from our streets, including rubbish, bird and animal waste into the stormwater.

“The rainfall can also trigger discharges from wastewater systems, which means that flood water may contain bacteria that can cause skin infections or make people ill.”

GV Health advises people to continue to seek regular management of their pre-existing medical conditions, particularly ensuring they take their regular medication.

There are supports in place if people are finding it difficult to access regular medication during the floods.

GV Health recommends people contact their local GP or pharmacy or Health Direct on 1800 022 222 for advice.