
Push for rural health department in NSW

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Hopes for health: It’s hoped a standalone rural health department can tackle workforce and accessibility issues in a way metro-centric departments can’t. Photo by Grahame Whyte

Signatures are being sought for a petition calling for a rural health department in NSW.

The petition was launched on February 28 by NSW State Member for Wagga Wagga Joe McGirr.

It barracks for the creation of a standalone department able to tackle the challenges faced by rural healthcare services.

The petition is the latest step in Dr McGirr’s campaign to have a rural health department established in NSW.

“We now have a regional health minister in NSW and I believe she needs the support of a department behind her,” the Independent MP said.

Dr McGirr is a country doctor and the NSW Regional Health Minister Bronnie Taylor is a former country nurse.

The petition has received support from NSW Farmers, which welcomed the push for a dedicated rural health department.

A link to the petition can be found on Dr McGirr’s website or here