
Rachel McKay awarded OAM

Honoured: Rachel McKay after she received her OAM at Government House in Melbourne, pictured with her husband Colin, who came to the ceremony with her.

Cobram’s Rachel McKay has been presented with her OAM on September 7, after her award was announced in the Queen’s birthday honours list on June 13.

Rachel said she travelled to Melbourne for the presentation after she received a letter from the office of the Governor-General.

“I’d been nervous for a few days, I didn’t know what to wear, I didn’t know what to do,” she said.

“We were watching everybody go up and get theirs while we were all lined up in order ... There was a gentleman on a microphone announcing names, a guy squeezed my arm and I walked out.

“I walked out in front of everybody out to the (Victorian) Governor Linda Dessau (AC) ... she clips the award on your left lapel and off you go.

“I’m still feeling pretty pleased and pretty happy ... I’ve got a little box with my three medals in it.”

Rachel said she had already received a number of good comments from the community, who said the honour was well-deserved.

“It’s an honour to accept this award, but I’m one little person in a big fantastic community,” she said.

She was given her OAM for ongoing service to the Cobram community over a number of years and projects, including organising various fundraising events and participating in various boards and committees.

Rachel has also been nominated as Citizen of the Year in the Moira Shire and Cobram Rotary Australia Day awards 2022, in addition to being rewarded in The Fred Awards from the Fred Hollows Foundation for showing outstanding care and compassion for others.