
Rain forecast for saturated Goulburn Valley catchment

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Spreading the word: Emergency services personnel address a VICSES flood information session in Shepparton on Saturday, October 1.

An already saturated Goulburn Valley catchment is forecast to receive up to 95 millimetres of rain over the next three days, heightening flood fears across the region.

With major rivers and creeks across the catchment already facing minor flood warnings, and water storages upstream at capacity, authorities are warning residents to inform themselves of their risk and to prepare for rising waters.

The Bureau of Meteorology is forecasting up to 45mm of rain on Wednesday, up to 20mm on Thursday and up to 30mm on Friday.

It follows a wetter than average September, with Shepparton recording 80.2mm of rain for the month, above the historical September mean of 36.4mm.

The bureau has warned of above average rainfall for spring and summer in Australia’s eastern states after declaring a third La Niña weather event is under way in the Pacific Ocean.

Goulburn Valley residents have been informed of the possible flood risk in their areas during a series of information sessions in the past week hosted by the Victoria State Emergency Service.

Sessions have been held in Euroa, Benalla and Shepparton.

VICSES said there was a good turnout for the Shepparton meeting on Saturday, October 1, with 45 people attending.

The aim of the ‘Get Flood Ready Community Information Sessions’ was to help people prepare for possible floods this spring.

They also allowed for residents to share experiences and local knowledge of flooding in their community.

Community members are urged to check their local flood guide on the VICSES website (, monitor weather warnings and forecasts via the Bureau of Meteorology website (, and warnings through the VicEmergency app, website ( and hotline (1800 226 226).

Advice from the SES on how to prepare for an emergency can be found at