
Recipes of the week

Stone fruit are starting to appear in the stores so here are a few recipes that make the most of fabulous peaches.

Peaches and Cream Slice

This moist custard cake is decorated with wedges of peaches and studded with cream cheese. Ideal for afternoon tea with coffee or tea.


1 cup self-raising flour

¼ cup custard powder

½ cup caster sugar

1 cup reduced-fat vanilla yoghurt

2 tbsp vegetable oil

2 eggs, lightly beaten

1 tsp coconut essence

440g peach slices in natural juice, drained and cut in half

200g reduced fat cream cheese, broken into 1.5cm chunks


Sift the flour and custard powder into a large bowl and then stir in sugar.

Whisk yoghurt, oil, eggs and essence together and fold into the dry ingredients, taking care not to over mix.

Spread the mixture over the base of a baking paper-lined 28cm x 18cm slice pan. Scatter over peaches and dot with chunks of cream cheese.

Bake at 180°C for 35 minutes or until golden and cooked through. Cool for 15 minutes in the pan before turning onto a wire rack to cool completely.

Cut into 16 squares and serve at room temperature. Store refrigerated in an airtight container.

Mini Pavlovas with Peaches and Kaffir Lime Syrup

These adorable little pavlovas, scented with the flavours of Thailand, are ideal served after a fiery meal or curry.


Palm Sugar Meringues:

3 egg whites

110g caster sugar

50g palm sugar (grated) or brown sugar

10g cornflour

5g white vinegar

Kaffir Lime Syrup:

220g caster sugar

80ml water

90ml lime juice

3 kaffir lime leaves, shredded

50ml orange juice

20g mint leaves

For serving:

2-3 yellow peaches, stones removed and cut into wedges

200ml thickened cream (35 per cent milk fat), whipped

200ml sour cream or natural yoghurt

Shredded kaffir lime leaves, to garnish


Preheat the oven to 150°C. Draw 3cm circles on a sheet of baking paper and place on a baking tray.

Whisk the egg white and a pinch of salt with an electric beater until firm peaks form. Add sugar one tablespoon at a time, beating until sugar has dissolved between each addition. Fold in cornflour and vinegar. Spoon mixture onto the circles and flatten the top slightly with the back of a spoon.

Place meringues into the oven and reduce temperature to 100°C. Bake for 50-60 minutes or until dry and crisp. Turn off heat and cool completely in the oven.

Meanwhile, for kaffir lime syrup, spread the sugar over the base of a large heavy based frying pan and cook over low heat, swirling and tilting the pan as required, until the sugar has melted and turned to a golden dark caramel.

Remove from heat and add water (be careful — it will spit). Add remaining ingredients and cool completely. Strain and discard mint and lime leaves. Refrigerate until required.

Place the peach wedges on a barbecue or grill and cook for 3 to 5 minutes on each side, or until charred. Cool.

Gently mix together the whipped cream and sour cream. Spoon evenly over meringue bases, top with peach wedges, drizzle with kaffir lime syrup and extra shredded kaffir lime leaves.

Photos and recipes: