
Regional media advertising promise by Labor

Pledge: If re-elected, Labor has guaranteed further ad revenue for regional newspapers in Victoria, including the News.

Labor has promised further advertising revenue for regional newspapers across Victoria, including the News, should the party be re-elected this month.

Premier Daniel Andrews said media outlets were crucial in delivering news in times of need, including this year’s flooding event and the COVID-19 pandemic.

The election promise came after Labor invested $20 million while in government to support media outlets during the pandemic and a further $2.7 million grant for Australian Associated Press.

Mr Andrews said this pledge would help media outlets maintain advertising revenue into the future.

“Whether it’s a bushfire, a flood emergency or a global pandemic, time and time again we have seen regional newspapers step up and serve their communities in incredibly important ways,” Mr Andrews said.

He said the guarantee was a chance to back media outlets into the future.

“Labor is doing what matters — backing regional media outlets with guaranteed advertising revenue so they can keep supporting their local communities,” he said.