
Register for open days to explore future careers

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Hands-on learning: Brinny Duca and Shannae Van Den Berghe show off their cooking skills at a recent GOTAFE event. Photo by Megan Fisher

Trades, health and community — the most in-demand courses rurally, according to a GOTAFE spokesperson, will be on show at the institute’s regional open days in August and September.

Wangaratta, Shepparton and Seymour will each host an open day event to allow community members seeking to start or make a change in their career to explore education pathways.

GOTAFE executive director of growth and engagement Hannah Turnbull said valuable information regarding careers in regional Victoria would be available throughout the day, provided by both staff and students.

“Open days give people a chance to take the first step in exploring their study options and finding out what careers their study can lead to,” she said.

“Our career advisors and trainers will be on hand to give people a taste of what it’s like to study with GOTAFE, and there will also be a chance to hear from current students about how studying is helping them achieve their career goals.”

In addition to the open days, GOTAFE will host an open month throughout September to provide more opportunities for community members to experience tours and information sessions specific to their course area.

A GOTAFE spokesperson said the open month would be advertised throughout August.

GOTAFE Shepparton’s open day will take place on Saturday, August 26 from 10am to 2pm at GOTAFE Fryers St campus.

To register for an open day or for more information, visit: