
Register your interest for leadership program

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Apply now: The 2023 Fairley Leadership cohort on a recent trip to Canberra Photo by Contributed

Expressions of interest are now open for the Fairley Leadership 2024 Program.

Goulburn Murray Community Leadership said their program offers an in-depth learning experience for emerging community leaders to grow their leadership skills, build regional awareness and explore how they can contribute to local communities.

“The Goulburn Murray is a strong and fast developing region, but it requires a continual wave of emerging leaders who are willing to learn about overarching regional priorities and connect with regional initiatives and organisations to meet the needs of regional communities and ensure their future prosperity,” Executive Officer of GMCL Nathan Bibby said.

“The Fairley Leadership Program is a platform that supports this,”

Designed to maximise an individual’s capability for community leadership, the program allows participants to realise their full potential and demonstrate community leadership in action.

The program will educate participants about the challenges and opportunities surrounding the Goulburn Murray region, providing them with the skills and connections to make an impact.

It will also include a range of leadership intensives, place-based program days and study tours so participants can gain access to community leaders, policymakers and change makers.

Participants will be chosen based on their proven community leadership and willingness to contribute their skills to local communities or sustain positions of responsibility in the community.

People from rural and isolated communities, disadvantaged backgrounds, and Aboriginal and ethnically diverse communities are encouraged to apply.

Successful applicants can be sponsored through their workplace to receive a position in the program or seek support from individual sponsors.

The Fairley Leadership Program runs for nine months, starting in March 2024 and concluding with a graduation in November.

Applications close on Sunday, November 19 at 5pm.

For more information on the program or to register your interest, visit the Goulburn Murray Community Leadership website.