
Remember Me a fundraising success

Fun in the sun: The group started the day in the sun at Wine X Sam. Photos: Wayne Herring

There wasn’t a cloud in the sky for the Remember Me charity event on September 29.

The day was a great success, raising more than $20,000 for Breast Cancer Network Australia, Prostate Cancer Network Australia and Childhood Cancer Australia, with the proceeds shared equally.

Drinks at Wine X Sam kicked the day off, followed by a sit-down lunch at Seymour Racecourse.

Organisers aimed to bring the community together and show support for those who had lost loved ones and those battling illness, and after 12 months of planning, the day went off without a hitch.

Guest speakers Nicole Lewis and Shantelle Ryan shared an important message: if you notice a change in your body, check it out.

The attendees were mainly Seymour residents or friends and family who had a connection to Seymour, with some travelling from Gippsland, Bendigo and Melbourne to join the festivities.

Event organisers thanked the Seymour business community for donating goods, time and service to make the day possible.

With continued community support, the event will likely run again next year.

A good catch-up: Former workmates from State Bank Seymour Susie Lubeck, Margaret Shepherd, Kerry Puppa and Chris Lewis smile for a photo.
Day out: Tanya Smyth and Moianne Papageorgiou walk to Seymour Racecourse.
Nice day for a stroll: Krys Black and and Jill McDonald lead the pack.
All set up: North Central Party Hire provided tables, seating and umbrellas for the group who enjoyed the sun at Seymour Racecourse.
Important reminder: Shepparton hospital prostate cancer nurse Nicole Lewis gives a speech.
Catered event: An outdoor lunch in the shade was served, catered by Little Stones Cafe.
Good for the soul: Ken Taylor, Gerard Hard, Tony Gooden and Rob Brooks take it easy.