
Riding for the Shire

Jamie, Travis and Keven Hayes are cycling from Tocumwal to Adelaide to raise money for Berrigan Shire families.

It was an early morning start for the Haynes trio on Saturday as they took off on a 900km journey from Tocumwal to Adelaide on their bicycles.

Event organiser Jamie, his brother Travis and their father Keven - with a support crew in tow - are making the massive journey in support of Efforts 4 Esme.

The charity was founded by Jamie, and funds raised support families who need assistance with medical treatments, help individuals achieve their sporting or academic dreams, and provide relief to families facing everyday challenges.

The charity was initially founded in 2022 in the name of Esme Mackay, who was born to parents Nathan and Jacqui after a horror birth.

Jacqui’s placenta had detached and Esme was not breathing.

Funds initially raised under the banner of Efforts 4 Esme by Jamie were donated to support the Wodonga maternity unit the Mackays credit with saving Esme’s life before she could be transferred to Sydney.

The Mackays were also supported to ease the pressures of medical costs.

That initial fundraiser - a 4x4x48 which consisted of 13 runs, totalling 84.5km - raised a little more than $8000.

Efforts 4 Esme has since continued and is now a registered charity, with Jamie and Nathan at the helm.

Its aims have expanded to support a range of local children and families within the Berrigan Shire who need assistance.

“Times can be tough, and we want to make those times are a little bit easier,” Jamie said.

“We are fighting to give others a fighting chance.”

Funds raised last year have helped local families put food on the table and presents under the tree for Christmas, and helped alleviate financial pressures of back to school costs.

In their first days of the ride to Adelaide, the riding crew has reportedly battled strong crosswinds and head winds.

At the time of going to print yesterday they were still on track to make it to Adelaide by this Friday.

Their stops along the way have, and will, include Wakool, Balranald, Euston, Merbein, Renmark and Blanchtown.

As well as battling the wind, challenges so far have included the heat, road quality and as the journey progresses, the elevations to climb.

“We are all a little sore from sitting in the saddle so long,” Jamie said after a day of cycling 155km.

“We had some rolling hills already, and that will continue before some decent hills going into Adelaide.

“Roads have been pretty good to be honest, and the traffic has been amazing, slowing down, waving, tooting and cheering.

“We had one guy filming and talking to me as I was riding, asking all about what we are doing. The awareness is fantastic.”

The trio was also on national radio over the weekend.

Seeing the crew off on Saturday, Nathan said the ride launches what they hope will be a busy year of fundraising to support the community.

“Jamie, his brother and dad had this trip on their bucket list, so they put their heads together and decided to raise money for our E4E charity as they endured this gruelling challenge,” Nathan said.

“The whole idea was probably put together within a few short months.

“We have been incredibly fortunate that a good number of local businesses have stepped forward and offered to sponsor the boys or donate to the cause. Money is still rolling in from donations.

“The money we raise at Efforts 4 Esme is used to put back into helping families and children that are in need, whether that be financially, academically or through helping with sporting needs.

“We have an upcoming running event in October with cash prizes, similar to one we also held last year.

“This year we plan on it being bigger and better and will continue to be an annual event.”

As for the charity’s namesake, Nathan said his daughter is progressing well.

“Esme is about to turn two in March, and is absolutely thriving,” he siad.

“She’s a little fighter.”

All donations in support of this cause can be made by clicking on the ‘donate’ icon through the charity’s website,

Efforts 4 Esme volunteers and committee members are also being sought.

The group meets once a month, occasionally more frequently before an event, and will next meet in February.

Anyone wishing to be involved can contact the committee at

Efforts 4 Esme committee members Jacqui Mackay, Courtney Ryan, Jamie Haynes, Nathan and Esme Mackay and Joanne Loughridge.
The riders with their supporters before heading off on Saturday morning.
Nathan Mackay was on hand to see Jamie Haynes off on Saturday morning.
Riders and crew make celebrate the end of day one at the Wakool Pub.