
Roadside firewood collection poses threat to endangered wildlife

Spring 2022: Firewood collection season is now open. Photo by Contributed

Regent parrots of northern Victoria rely on large tree hollows for nesting, and people illegally cutting or removing trees for firewood are impacting their survival.

The spring firewood season, which runs until the end of November, is one of two firewood collection seasons across the state, helping Victorians access free firewood in designated areas.

By responsibly sourcing firewood this spring collection season you can help protect threatened native wildlife.

Authorities will be patrolling state forests, parks and reserves targeting anyone attempting to take firewood illegally.

Infringement notices can set offenders back $740 while serious offences carry maximum penalties of $9246 or up to a year in prison.

Permits are available for firewood collection in Strathbogie Shire for $18 per cubic meter.

Strathbogie Shire Council Mayor Cr Laura Binks said dead and fallen timber were an important habitat for our native flora and fauna.

“This means that firewood collection for domestic use is only permitted on medium conservation roadsides throughout the municipality,” Cr Binks said.

Firewood collection is not permitted on any roads managed by VicRoads.

For Strathbogie Shire permits visit

The Conservation Regulator encourages the community to assist by reporting any suspected illegal firewood collection on 136 186.