
Roos celebrate with supporters

Many of the Rovers winning players... Back: Georgia McCulloch, Natalie Sampson, Montana Muldoon-Leetham, Isabella Mcilwain and Olivia Park. Middle: Jorja Woolston, Marlie Mison, Nina Glowrey, Ava Braybon, Amelie Bulmer, Emily Harvey, Ruby Cowley, Eve Meharry, Bae Willis, Isabell Macknight and Lexi Hussey. Front: Zoe Harvey, Georgia Danckert, Hazel Glowrey, Chloe Brown, Carissa Bulmer, Abbey Wills, Brittany Kirby, Gabrielle Barlow, Chloe Way, Jackie Thorpe, Sophie Dudley, Georgia Van Lieshout and Montana Jones. Photo by Rebecca Flisher

A large contingent of locals hit the road to Rennie on Saturday for the Picola & District football and netball grand finals.

The Deniliquin Rovers was the only local club with teams in the running, with five netball teams competing in the big dance on the day.

A number of familiar faces supported them courtside, which gave each player an extra reason to play hard.

Four of the teams brought home wins, with match reports are in today’s PT Sport.

Deni Rovers official photographers Rebecca Flisher and Judith Harvey were on hand in Rennie on Saturday to capture the action, and the celebrations.

Gabrielle Barlow and Carissa Bulmer celebrating after winning back-to-back Premierships. Photo by Rebecca Flisher
Natalie Sampson with children Connor, Lainey and Morgan. Photo by Rebecca Flisher
Scorers for A-grade Shannon Bulmer and Nicole Bermingham. Photo by Rebecca Flisher
Louis, Craig, Harper, Carissa, Indi and Arley Bulmer. Photo by Rebecca Flisher
A Grade Best on Court medal winner Natalie Sampson. Photo by Rebecca Flisher
Scorers for A-grade Shannon Bulmer and Nicole Bermingham. Photo by Rebecca Flisher
Lara Redden, Lilly Boyer, Ava Braybon and Stella Andrews. Photo by Rebecca Flisher
Alex, Katherine and Olivia Rourke. Photo by Rebecca Flisher
Proud mum Donna Van Lieshout. Photo by Rebecca Flisher
Bae Willis and Lucy Herberte. Photo by Rebecca Flisher
Indi Bulmer, Harper Bulmer, Madi Danckert and Sophie Bulmer. Photo by Rebecca Flisher
Sophie and Mel Dudley. Photo by Rebecca Flisher
Sophie and Mel Dudley. Photo by Rebecca Flisher
Tommy, Will, Lucy, Sophie and Mel Dudley with Abby Wilson (far right) and Stevie Bateman (second from left). Photo by Rebecca Flisher
Georgia Van Lieshout and Jackie Thorpe. Photo by Rebecca Flisher
Amelie Bulmer, Isabell Macknight and Bae Willis. Photo by Rebecca Flisher
Arley Bulmer and William Kirby. Photo by Rebecca Flisher
Rod, Olivia and Bianca Armytage. Photo by Rebecca Flisher
Lara Horne and Ava Braybon. Photo by Rebecca Flisher
Lucas Braybon, Ryder and Jett Boyer. Photo by Rebecca Flisher
Judith, Zoe and Peter Harvey. Photo by Rebecca Flisher
Ellissa, Lilly and Troy Boyer. Photo by Rebecca Flisher
Olivia Armytage and Chloe Way. Photo by Rebecca Flisher
The Under 15s netballers take a selfie.
The Under 15s netball team; Amelie Bulmer, Isabell Macknight, Emily Harvey, Zoe Basset, Lexi Hussey, Amy Holloway, Eve Meharry, Bae Willis, Ruby Cowley and Sienna Elphick.