
Rory is Cobram Anglican Grammar School’s Dux

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Highest of achievers: Principal Keith Willet with Cobram Anglican Grammar School Dux of 2022 Rory Brooker, Year 12, and high achieving Year 11 students Cody Lincoln and Cadence Pang. Photo by Contributed

Cobram Anglican Grammar School captain Rory Brooker, Year 12, is the school’s Dux for 2022.

Rory gained the ATAR score of 92.05 from the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority which puts him in the top 10 per cent of students in Victoria.

According to him, the results exceeded his expectations.

“I assumed I would get a score that I would be happy with and going into it I wasn’t too worried ... but my score was probably higher than what I was anticipating,” Rory said.

Rory credits his success to the hard work his teachers put in.

“I want to thank my teachers as without their support not only would I not have had the resources that I needed to do as well as I did, but their drive and commitment to help me succeed actually inspired me to do well and enjoy my subjects,” Rory said.

Matthew Everingham and Annelise Everingham attained the school’s second and third highest ATAR score respectively.

The school’s academic prowess was further reinforced by the success of two of its Year 11 students, Cadence Pang and Cody Lincoln, who each fast tracked a unit 3/4 subject.

Cadence received a study score of 43 in Psychology while Cody received a perfect score of 50 in Physics.

Cody’s physics teacher Gary Smith said scoring a perfect 50 was a rare achievement and well deserved.

Both these scores provide Cadence and Cody with the perfect starting point going into VCE in 2023.

Principal Keith Willett said he was proud of the school’s students and added that their application throughout the year was extraordinary.

“Although face-to-face learning continued throughout 2022, students still felt the effects of the previous two COVID years. I am very proud of our 2022 Year 12 group,” Mr Willett said.