
Rotary Club donates clothes dryer to Benalla Flexible Learning Centre

Community support: Flexible Learning Centre students with Benalla Rotary president Ann Kimberley and Flexible Learning Centre principal Brad Hearn. Photo by Contributed

Benalla Rotary Club has donated a clothes dryer to the Benalla Flexible Learning Centre.

A Rotary spokesperson said club president Ann Kimberley approached Flexible Learning Centre principal Brad Hearn to see if there was anything Rotary could do to offer support.

“She discovered that there was a need for a clothes dryer for use by staff and students,” the spokesperson said.

The Rotary Club unanimously agreed to provide the funds required to purchase a suitable dryer.

In keeping with the Rotary’s policy of supporting local businesses, the dryer was obtained from (Bi-Rite at) Mitre 10, who delivered it to the centre.

The Benalla Flexible Learning Centre is one of four such campuses across north-east Victoria.

These centres are an initiative of the Victorian Department of Education and Training with the aim of supporting students to re-engage with education and continue their learning.

All students are offered individual programs, which have a personalised educational learning plan that sets goals, informs program planning and determines timetables and attendance.

A mentoring program and partnerships with local organisations ensures that students have access to broader community networks.

The official presentation of the dryer to the school took place earlier in the month when Ms Kimberley visited the centre.

On the day Mr Hearn took the time to show her around, point out the various work and learning areas and explain more about its operation.

“This is a great community contribution that is going to help hundreds of kids’ lives and provide access to services that they otherwise would not have access to,” Mr Hearn said.

“We’re very humbled to partner with Rotary to improve young people’s lives.

“It takes a community to raise great kids, and how fortunate we are to live in Benalla where that community spirit is alive and well.”