
Rotary Club of Benalla provides shelter at bus stops

Shelter: Benalla Rotarians Noel Hutchens, Ann Kimberley, Neil Smith and Kelly MacNamara at the new bus shelter the club recently installed outside Woolworths on Smythe St. Photo by Contributed

When the Rotary Club of Benalla was looking for ways to help the community, it noted many people stood in the sun or rain while they waited for a local bus.

After hatching a plan to provide two shelters at local bus stops, it consulted with community groups, businesses and Benalla’s bus companies on where to install them.

A club spokesperson said it purchased two bus shelters after choosing high-priority locations at Smythe St, outside Woolworths, and Cook St.

“The shelters were ordered and duly delivered, but the unloading of them created a small issue as we did not have the equipment required to unload them from the truck,” the spokesperson said.

Club members contacted Benalla’s Mitre 10, which kindly offered to unload them at its yard.

“They also kindly agreed to have the shelters stored in their yard until other arrangements could be made to install them,” the spokesperson said.

Fortunately, Rotary could install the one outside Woolworths first, as there was already a concrete slab of suitable size available.

Mitre 10 delivered the shelter to the site to be installed by Rotarians Neil Smith, Noel Hutchens and Kelly MacNamara under the watchful eye of Rotary president Ann Kimberley.

“The whole operation ran smoothly, and passing shoppers were most impressed with the outcome,” the spokesperson said.

“The second shelter, for Cook St, was installed on Friday, October 13.”

This installation was made possible by Benalla Rural City Council, which had poured a concrete slab and repaired an adjacent footpath.

Mitre 10 again provided its crane truck to collect the shelter from the Rotary shed and place it on the slab.

It was then secured in place by Mr Smith and Mr Hutchens.

Ms Kimberley said the club would consider providing more bus shelters in the city if more sites required them.

“The Rotary Club would like to offer its sincere thanks to Mitre 10, as without its help, the installation of these bus shelters would have been a far more difficult job,” Ms Kimberley said.

“We would also like to thank Benalla Rural Council for providing the slab in Cook St.”