
Rotary lifts lid on mental health

Yarrawonga Mulwala Rotary Club members with Rotary District 9790 ARH Chair Rosemary Freeman gear up for the beginning of the walk. Photo by Les_Garbutt

The Rotary Club of Yarrawonga Mulwala held their second Lift the Lid walk on Sunday with sincere discussions around mental health held, as well as a great amount of money raised.

Although the numbers of walkers were down on last year, which could be reflected in the current cost of living impacts along with the numerous events in the district over recent times, the Lift the Lid event was still very successful in raising awareness of mental health in our local communities.

Yarrawonga Men’s Shed members took part to raise awareness for mental health. Photo by Les_Garbutt

Rotary Club of Yarrawonga Mulwala President Ron Kennett said that the event achieved what it set out to do.

“It was pleasing to receive several very generous donations including from Kennedy Builders/ Kennedy Real Estate and the band of dedicated volunteers from the Yarrawonga College P-12 Community Workshop,” Mr Kennett said.

Yarrawonga Health had a display and staff members on hand for participants to come along and have a chat about services and to find out more information about what is on offer locally. Photo by Les_Garbutt

“The posters in local shops, social media posts and Chronicle articles certainly created much interest in the event and got people talking about mental health. Even if they didn’t participate in the walk.

Members of Friends in Common assisted the cause by taking a walk on a lovely Sunday morning. Photo by Les_Garbutt

“Plans are already being discussed to host a follow up community forum at ClubMulwala to utilize current sponsorship funds and continue the important message of mental health.

“The Rotary Club of Yarrawonga Mulwala would like to express their thanks again to ClubMulwala, CMCU and DeMaria Mitsubishi for their sponsorships.

Silver sponsors CMCU had a group of staff members take part in the walk. Photo by Les_Garbutt

“We would also like to thank the community organizations that supported the event through the promotion of their volunteer opportunities and health services.”

Several local organisations also took up the offer to present their services and volunteer opportunities adding to the colour and entertainment on the day.

Australian Rotary Health Chair (District 9790) Rosemary Freeman opening the Lift the Lid Walk. Photo by Les_Garbutt

Some of these included: Yarrawonga Health and the Men’s Shed among others.

This proved popular with many using the time prior to the walk to chat and pick up information and give aways.

Unfortunately, the national chair of Australia Rotary Health (ARH) was a late apology however Rotary were delighted to welcome Rotary District 9790 ARH Chair Rosemary Freeman to open the walk and give the countdown for the start of the event.

Participants were all smiles at the start of the Lift the Lid walk. Photo by Les_Garbutt

“All of the members of the Rotary Club of Yarrawonga Mulwala need to be congratulated on their efforts in hosting the event,” Mr Kennett said.

Yarrawonga College P-12 Community Workshop Co-ordinator Michelle Klowss donated $215.00 from the community workshop to Rotary President Ron Kennett. Photo by Les_Garbutt

If you would like to donate to Australian Rotary Health, please contact the Rotary Club of Yarrawonga Mulwala or for more information on Australian Rotary Health, visit