
Rotary says ‘no’ to family violence

(From left) Sandra Whyborn, Cheryl McMillan, Di Hand, George Maddison, Iain Goodway, Tony Kew, Carolyn Barnett and Bev Forchi have been keeping the anti-violence message out there in the community.

Family and domestic violence is a scourge on the community, and the Rotary Club of Deniliquin is doing what it can to raise awareness of the issues.

Across the 2023/24 year, Deniliquin Rotary has been working toward trying to create an impact in the community through positive relationship actions.

President George Maddison said it has been the club’s theme in his term at the helm.

“The members have been wearing shirts which say, ‘Together we say NO to Domestic and Family Violence’,” Mr Maddison said.

“We’ve been wearing shirts at events such as the Carols by Candlelight and just out in public to raise awareness.”

Mr Maddison said the theme has also been about educating younger people to say no to toxic relationships and yes to positive ones.

“As part of the Rotary theme, I’ve also done a NAPCAN (National Association for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect) course,” he said.

“This course helps adults educate kids on family violence and disrespectful relationships, and gives a guide as to what to do if they find themselves heading towards a disrespectful relationship.”

The high visibility campaign also highlights family and domestic violence support initiatives, like 1800RESPECT.

Mr Maddison said while his term as president will conclude this June, the club will continue to support and spread the anti-violence message.

“The more conversations we have, the more positive impact it is going to have in the community,” he said.

“We need to have these discussions and keep the principle alive; otherwise, the grief, misery and deaths related to family and domestic violence continue to go on unchecked in the world.”

• If you, or someone you know, is a victim of family violence, support is available by calling 1800RESPECT (1800 737 732) or going to Anyone requiring crisis support can also contact Accessline on 1800 800 944, Lifeline Australia on 13 11 14, BeyondBlue on 1300 224 636 or Kids Helpline on 1800 551 800. Resources are also available at