
Say no way to tooth decay

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Show us your ‘teef’: Theodore O'Sullivan and Willow Wickham from Shine Bright Echuca South Kindergarten got a lesson in oral hygiene. Photo by Steve Huntley

This Dental Health Week, students at Shine Bright Echuca South Kindergarten were keen to show off their pearly whites for The Smiles 4 Miles program.

The program is an initiative of Dental Health Services Victoria, implemented locally by Echuca Regional Health, which aims to improve the oral health care of Campaspe Shire’s pre-school aged children and their families by encouraging healthy eating, healthy drinking, good oral hygiene and regular dental check-ups.

About 27 Early Childhood Centres from the Campaspe Shire are taking part in the Smiles 4 Miles program.

ERH’s Smiles 4 Miles co-ordinator Marcia Spiers said Dental Health Week was a good reminder that oral health is essential to your overall health and well-being and that good habits needed to start early in life.

“This is why we are teaching our children and their families the importance of limiting sugary foods and drinks in our diet, by differentiating between sometimes and everyday foods,” Ms Spiers said.

“Sugary items, such as chocolate, lollies and sugary drinks should only be consumed in moderation, not every day.

“We also teach our children about brushing their teeth twice a day and the importance of regular dental visits so we can keep our smiles for life.”

Proving to be a popular program, ERH’s Dental Clinic provided screening to approximately 250 children during 2021-2022.

Dental Health Week runs until August 7.

Brush twice a day to keep away tooth decay: The dental team from Echuca Regional Health guided Mila Clydesdale from Shine Bright Echuca South Kindergarten on how to brush her teeth. Photo by Steve Huntley
Brush away: Theodore O'Sullivan from Shine Bright Echuca South Dental. Photo by Steve Huntley
Brush the teeth you want to keep: Billy Hare from Shine Bright Echuca South Kindergarten. Photo by Steve Huntley
Daily hygiene: Marcia Spiers and Lucy Bussey at Shine Bright Echuca South Kindergarten. Photo by Steve Huntley
Shiny teeth: Chloe Potter at Shine Bright Echuca South Kindergarten. Photo by Steve Huntley