
School play on today

If you’re looking for some delightful light entertainment, don’t forget that Jerilderie Public School’s production of The Jungle Book will be presented today.

It will be held at the Civic Hall, with a matinee and evening performances.

Contact the school for more information.


JPS will be celebrating Book Week this Friday, September 13, giving staff and students the opportunity to dress up as their favourite book characters.


Names are being taken for the 2025 Portsea School Holiday Camp, which will be held from Monday, January 13 to Friday, January 17.

The camp is available for children between the ages of 8 and 12 who reside in the Murrumbidgee Council area.

The cost of the camp has been set at $660, which covers five days of great fun and awesome activities, with accommodation, meals and transport included in the cost.

Council is fortunate in having generous local organisations and businesses willing to assist in subsidising the total camp costs.

Only 20 places have been allocated, and enrolments with a deposit of $200 are to be submitted to the council office by Friday, November 1, with the balance payable by December 6.

For more information contact Toni Shaw at the Jerilderie council office or phone 5886 1200.

In regard to the Portsea Camp, Toni Shaw would also be pleased to receive expressions of interest from senior leaders (18+ years) to travel on the bus and stay with participating children.

Requirements are a first aid certificate, working with children check, and a police check.

Anyone interested in attending as a camp leader should contact Toni at the above office or phone number.


Spring has certainly made its presence felt, with days of gusty winds and warmer temperatures.

Hopefully your gardens will not have suffered too much from the strong gales, because the annual Flower Show is coming up again in October.

Organisers will be hoping for a hall full of wonderful, colourful blooms and creations, plus lots of other stalls to keep you interested.

Mark your calendars for Friday, October 25, and arrange to meet friends for lunch or afternoon tea at the Civic Hall.

Contacts are Heather Thomas, Lorraine Comber or Lorraine Valerius.


The Jerilderie Hospital Auxiliary will hold its next meeting on Thursday, September 26 at 2pm in the meeting room at the local hospital.

If you can’t make it to the meeting but would be available to assist on the raffle stall on Friday, October 14, please advise Judy on 0439 743 731, before September 26.

New members are always welcome; just come along to a meeting and find out what the auxiliary does to support the residents, patients and staff of our wonderful facility.


A Jerilderie Red Cross member attended the Red Cross Forum held in Coleambally recently, finding it very informative and friendly.

Darlington Point members of Red Cross will be holding a Fun Fair on Saturday, September 21, which will include a variety of stalls, including food stalls, and fun for kids.

Everyone is invited!