
School to bring classic tale to life

Jerilderie Big Freeze participants Al Nicholls, Heidi Bryce, Gina Simpson and Mitch Goddard.

Jerilderie Public School has started rehearsal for its 2024 production of The Jungle Book, under the direction of Ben Stonnill.

The next 10 weeks will see all students immersed in the preparation of their own stage show.


This Friday, last day of term, JPS will have a ‘100 days of Jack, Pyjama Party’, to celebrate Jack’s first 100 days at school.

Students and staff are invited to come dressed in PJs and to bring a plate of party snacks to share at recess.


A bit of a blast from the past.

Former Jerilderie resident Shirley Sherritt phoned with belated news of the death of a relative, Johnny Liddle, on April 17 in Griffith Hospital, aged 88.

For many years John did the Jerilderie/Goolgumbla mail run. On his retirement he bought a place at Murrami, near Leeton.

John was the youngest of five children, Elsie (Roe), Jean, Gwen, and Norma (Rankin).

He was a late arrival baby, born and bred on the family property, Dunraven, Liddle’s Lane, Jerilderie.

His wife Gay predeceased him, and they had one son, Robert, who lives in Carrathool.

John was interred at Leeton cemetery on April 30.


Belated happy birthday to Bernard Pinnuck who celebrated a low-key 60th with family recently. The date was June 22.


Jerilderie people now have no excuse for putting out the wrong coloured bin on Tuesday nights.

Thanks to Murrumbidgee Council’s latest out-put of information, we now have fridge magnets with a July 2024 to June 2025 calendar showing, by colour, the correct dates for bin collections.

We no longer have to rely on the neighbours putting their bins out first so that we can have a quick check up or down the back lane or front nature strip.

Too bad if the neighbours had made the wrong choice in the past, or you’d been away on holidays, and lost the rhythm!


Congratulations to everyone involved with the recent annual Ian Sneddon MND golf day held at the Jerilderie Sports Club.

Eighty golfers and 36 bowlers came out to play in bright sunshine, after a chilly start.

The organising committee - Stephen Dalgleish, Janine and Abbey A’Vard, Di Mitchell, Jenny Pitt, and John and Gina Simpson - would like to thank the local and wider community for such fantastic support, with monetary and goods donations.

The four Big Freeze contestants, Al Nicholls (Santa Claus), Mitch Goddard, (a ‘sexy beast’), Heidi Bryce (Sharon Strezleki) and Gina Simpson (Catwoman), did not disappoint the crowd with their fun and outrageous outfits.

These four wonderful people raised a combined $10,000, which was included in the final $16,000 contributed to MND Victoria, which supports people in the southern and western Riverina suffering from MND, and their families, with care and equipment.

Robyne, Julie and Mark Sneddon have expressed their thanks to Jerilderie and the wider community for their support of the event over the years, and to the Jerilderie Sports Club for hosting it.

Special thanks to Jerilderie Apex and Jerilderie Lions who are always there to provide the food and drink to the hungry crowd.


Jerilderie parishioners of St Joseph’s Catholic Church should be grateful for being among recipients of recent heritage grants from the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage, and Murrumbidgee Council, which included many works in Darlington Point.

The Jerilderie grant is to repair damage to the church, caused by rising damp.

The project needs to be completed by the end of 2024, and the grant matched dollar for dollar.