
School’s Remembrance Day tradition lives on

Mathoura Public School participated in Remembrance Day activities on Monday.

Mathoura Public School has had a connection with the town’s war efforts since World War I.

As soon as the town’s young citizens signed up to go to war, the names of those who had attended the school were placed on a memorial board at the school.

This connection explains why the school is so involved in Anzac Day and Remembrance Day activities.

In fact, they are not only involved, they run the ceremonies in connection with the Mathoura RSL Sub-branch.

And what a great job they do, as those who attended this week’s event would tell you.


There are some new faces on the Mathoura Football Netball Club Committee following the club’s annual general meeting this week.

Tom Weyrich is the new club president.

The senior vice president position is vacant, but Blake Keech is junior vice president.

Secetary is Blaize Hearn, treasurer is Ian Keech and general board members are Phoebe Keech, Dani Richardson, James Eddy, Ed Connally, Jarrod Thomas, Alyssa Clark and Nicolai Henery.

Congratulations to all those who put their hands up to serve.

No club can operate without a group to do the hard yards in the background.


Do you want your kids to learn the wisdom of picking their rubbish up after them?

Well Mathoura Public School has a program that is working well.

The school has a Waste Free Wednesday program, and since it was introduced it’s estimated that an average of between 500 to 600 fewer pieces of single use plastic have been discarded in its environment.

There has also been a few more rubbish free lunch boxes.

The challenge is now on to see if they can make the last five Wednesdays of the school year the most waste free of the lot.