
Scope celebrates 75th birthday with colourful day in Benalla

Celebration: Scope Benalla celebrated the organisation’s 75th birthday with a minicolour run and more. Photo by Simon Ruppert

It was a day to remember at Scope Benalla as the organisation celebrated its 75th birthday on Friday, October 27.

Attendees enjoyed food, drinks, fun and games at the party in front of the Sydney Rd, Benalla, building.

A highlight for all was the mini-colour run, which saw most attendees’ white T-shirts end up multi-coloured.

Scope co-ordinator Nadia Stobel said this was no accident and the theme of the organisation’s birthday was colours.

“We’ve gone for a walk down to the street, down to KFC and back,” Ms Stobel said.

“And then we ran under the water and got everyone with bombs of colour.

“It has been brilliant. We’ll have a barbecue, and we’ve got cakes and slices for the guys. Everyone’s having a great time.”

Attendee Tracy Lord said she knew something was up when it was suggested everyone wear a white T-shirt.

“It’s been fun, and we’re all covered in colour now,” she said.

Georgie Tomlin agreed.

“It’s been super fun,” Georgie said.

“Especially when we got colour bombed, and all the colours were thrown at us.

“You had to dodge the water balloons. I did okay dodging them, but I can’t say that for everyone.”

Andrew Stubbs also enjoyed the celebrations.

“The colours are wonderful,” he said.

“I love the camaraderie here.”

Disability support worker Kylie Wallace said Scope Benalla had lots of plans.

“We’ve fully renovated the building already,” she said.

“We’ve got a quiet room and a big activity room now. And we’re hoping to do some fundraising for a new garden.”

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