
Service women recognised at last

Community members and veterans gathered in Rutherglen to honour the enduring spirit and contributions of women in the military.
Member for Indi Dr Helen Haines and Colonel Clare Kellaway.
The Commemorative Stone.

The Rutherglen RSL and Women’s Auxiliary hosted a dedication ceremony this past Saturday, paying tribute to the valiant service of women across all conflicts and peacekeeping efforts.

The ceremony, a first of its kind held at Memorial Park, aimed to balance historical narratives that have predominantly honoured men's contributions, reflecting a broader movement toward inclusivity in commemorating military service.

The event drew a considerable crowd, including ex-servicewomen from across the north-east and the residents of Rutherglen, who gathered to witness this momentous occasion.

The presence of Colonel Clare Kelloway, the esteemed Commander of the Joint Logistics Unit (Victoria), as the guest speaker added to the proceedings.

With a distinguished 30-year service career, Colonel Kelloway’s reflections on the evolving role of women in the military resonated deeply, particularly in light of the upcoming International Women’s Day.

Highlighting the ceremony was the participation of the Catafalque party, comprised of young army recruits, which highlighted the continuity of service and the future of women in the military.

Following the service, a poignant Power Point display in the Memorial Hall, showcased the service women’s photographs in uniform, chronicling their invaluable roles from World War I to the present day.

The community engagement extended beyond the ceremony, with attendees invited to share in a morning tea, meticulously prepared by the Rutherglen High School and the talented Brooke Rassmussen.

This gathering not only served as a platform for reflection but also as an acknowledgment of the supportive Rutherglen community.

Rutherglen RSL Women’s Auxiliary President Rosemary Hince expressed her gratitude to all who participated and contributed to the event.

“It was incredible to see ex-servicewomen and the Rutherglen community unite to celebrate this overdue recognition,” Mrs Hince said.

“The morning tea was catered by the Rutherglen High School and Brooke Rassmussen, who once again did a marvellous job. Our thanks go to Brooke and her team for their continued support.

“We also thank everyone for attending and their ongoing support. It was a great day for all women.”