
Serving the community in Homelessness Week

Specialty homelessness case workers Boddie Arthur and Tamara Sefton manning the soup kitchen in the Deniliquin CBD on Tuesday.

A soup kitchen was held in the Deniliquin CBD on Tuesday to mark Homelessness Week.

Coordinated by Vinnies Services Deniliquin, the soup kitchen also acted as an aid to draw attention to the increase in district residents requiring help.

The local service has seen an increase in demand for support since the rise in the cost of living, and what case management team leader Meg Fisher described as the “ever lasting housing crisis”.

“Homelessness affects one in every 200 people in Australia, and of that only six per cent are sleeping on the streets,” Miss Fisher said.

“Homelessness presents in many different ways, including couch surfing, living in overcrowded dwellings and living in properties that are short-term or without a lease or agreement in place.

“Domestic and family violence is the main presenting reason someone might find themselves homeless, and one in seven people who are experiencing homelessness are aged over 55.”

Anyone at risk of, or experiencing homelessness, or domestic and family violence can get help by calling Vinnies Services Deniliquin on 5881 7411, or visiting the office at 74 Wellington St, Deniliquin.

“Even though we are not holding the Vinnies Community Sleep out this year due to an increase in demand on services, should people wish to donate to the cause they can do so by going to,” Miss Fisher said.