
Seven CFA brigades battle Violet Town grass and machinery fire

Under control: Firefighters from across the region took just 45 minutes to extinguish a grass and vehicle fire on a Violet Town property. Photo by simon ruppert

A fire in a paddock on a property near Violet Town required nine tankers and approximately 40 CFA members to bring under control on Thursday, January 5.

CFA District 22 commander Rohan Taylor said a grassfire had spread to a number of vehicles stored in the paddock.

“At approximately 10.40am brigades responded to an undefined fire, which turned out to be a grassfire,” he said.

“It was in a paddock off Harrisons Rd, which contained multiple trucks and cars.

“We had a total of nine tankers on scene, with a specialised big-fill appliance as well as the Violet Town forward control vehicle.

“There was approximately 40 CFA members on the scene from brigades in Violet Town, Benalla, Baddaginnie, Boho, Goorambat, Warrenbayne and Goomalibee.

“There was a lot of smoke coming from the location. So we put a community notification out for smoke in the area.”

Mr Taylor said the fire took approximately 45 minutes to bring under control.

“Our crews worked very well together to extinguish and control the fire very quickly,” he said.