
Seymour hospital merger concerns addressed by MP Symes

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State Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes says there are benefits of hospital collaborations, such as increased funding, new services and improved patient care.

Community concerns grew over the possible merging of local health services after an information night in Seymour on Wednesday, July 3.

As the debate on local health services reform continues, state Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes has responded with a statement:

“In response to the ongoing misinformation campaign regarding local health services and the pre-emptive campaign based on fearmongering by those in the Opposition, I would like to reiterate to the Seymour community that no decisions have been made regarding Seymour Health,” Ms Symes said.

“The actions are disappointing as well as hypocritical, as the local member appears to suddenly be a campaigner against hospital collaboration at odds to her support for the voluntary amalgamation of the Kilmore Hospital with the Northern Hospital.

“The Kilmore community enjoyed a mature and informed conversation about the future provisions of their local health services — why does the Opposition want to deny Seymour the same opportunity?”

“Before dismissing change, we can examine the possible benefits. Following the amalgamated entities, Kilmore Hospital has seen additional funding and growth in services.

“This includes a new paediatrics outpatient service that supports neurodiverse children and children with developmental and mental health concerns.

“The change has delivered improved medical coverage in the Urgent Care Centre and greater access to a broad range of expertise that is good for patient care but also means opportunities for staff training and development.

“In the longer term, the community will benefit from expanding in-house pathology and medical imaging and strengthening maternity services, including an antenatal clinic at the Kilmore site, so in summary, more care closer to home and minimised transfers to Melbourne.

“The incorporation of Euroa Health with GV Health will enable the local community to access publicly funded acute care.

“In contrast to the Member for Euroa’s claims, the merger between Euroa Bush Nursing Hospital, soon to be Euroa Hospital, and GV Health is an undeniable positive development for the Euroa community, who have embraced the change because they see the benefits that will flow from it.

“Despite these examples of what closer synergies between health services can bring to local communities, there is of course no decision made regarding Seymour Health or potential partners.

“The government, as is appropriate, is considering the advice and recommendations of the expert advisory committee, all guided by the fundamental driving aim of more quality and safe health services delivered locally.

“This year alone, the Allan Labor Government is investing a record $20 billion into our hospitals. The real question here is, who do local communities trust to deliver the services that matter to them?

“The coalition, who, when last in government, cut, closed and privatised hospitals, or Labor, whose track record speaks for itself and has public healthcare written into its DNA.

“Don’t be fooled by the snake oil; only Labor governments can be trusted to deliver the essential services that matter to locals.”

Member for Euroa Annabelle Cleeland has been contacted for comment.