
Shepp-resentation at Melbourne celebration

Some of the Shepparton U3A members heading to Melbourne this wekend.

How many ukuleles would it take for you to think, ‘Wow. That’s a lot of ukuleles.’? One hundred? Two hundred and fifty?

What if you were told there would be 700 ukulele players at Federation Square, Melbourne, some of whom will be Shepparton’s own.

The event is part of the Seniors Festival Celebration Day, and the goal is to break the record for highest number of people playing ukulele in one place.

About 10 ukulele players from U3A will be part of the event on Sunday, October 6.

The workshop will be led by A.J. Leonard, Australia’s uke maestro.

During the workshop, Leonard will guide the ukulele-loving crowd through a special arrangement of an iconic and beloved classic hit, then invite everyone to perform together.

However, the group is not only going to Melbourne for the instrumental workshop.

This year marks 40 years of U3A being in Victoria — 37 in the Goulburn Valley — so Shepparton members will represent the area at the U3A conference.

For more information or to see the full list of events, visit