
Shepparton 12-hour swim raises $7000 for locals with multiple sclerosis

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Good cause: The Shepparton MS Mega Swim at Aquamoves raised more than $7000 for people with multiple sclerosis.

For 12 hours on Saturday, February 19, a group of dedicated swimmers gave their all to raise more than $7000 for locals living with multiple sclerosis.

From 10am to 10pm, 41 participants in five teams swam a total of 122.5km as part of the 2022 Shepparton MS Mega Swim at Aquamoves.

Shepparton event organiser Damien Stevens has been involved in the swim for more than a decade.

He has a personal connection to the cause through his mum, who been living with MS for more than 30 years.

“Most people are connected (to the swim) because they know someone in their life who is experiencing challenges because of MS,” he said.

“But there are some people who simply love to get involved because it’s a fun, sporting event.”

This year’s MS Mega Swim in Shepparton was different to previous years, going for 12 hours instead of 24.

“We changed it up based on feedback – people are busier than ever and we were finding engaging people for 24 hours at the pool was getting increasingly more difficult,” Mr Stevens said.

“It was a beautiful day, everyone had a great time and raised $7000, so a good day all in all.

“The local Lions club cooked us lunch and dinner and the local Kiwanis Sunrises chapter ran our registration desk; it was wonderful to have service clubs, volunteers and participants alike all involved.”

The MS Mega Swim started in 2001 and each year about 2500 people take part in regional, suburban and metro events.

Funds raised go towards the MS Go for Gold Scholarships, financial assistance programs and providing services to directly benefit people living with MS.

The scholarships are awarded to people living with MS to help them achieve a dream in categories of education, arts, travel, music, employment and lifestyle and wellbeing.

“All money raised stays local for people living with MS and if people have a family member or friend who can support an application for Go for Gold Scholarships then people locally benefit,” Mr Stevens said.

While the event is over, the Shepparton MS Mega Swim still has sights set on its $15,000 fundraising goal.

“I would ask anybody who knows somebody with MS to consider making a donation this year or getting involved next year,” Mr Stevens said.

“There is still time to donate, we’re still raising funds and, to be cheeky, we got in the pool — you didn’t, so you can donate instead.

“This event isn’t about competition, you don’t have to be an athlete, you can get in the pool and doggy paddle if you like.

“It’s about participation, raising awareness and having fun — we hope it grows bigger and better next year.”

To donate to the Shepparton swim visit