
Shop local this Easter

Shop local: The S&J Furniture team headlines the 2023 Easter Shop Local campaign that starts today and runs for the next three weeks.

It’s that time of year again: The Riv’s Shop Local campaign starts today with $5250 up for grabs.

All you have to do to be in the running is make a purchase at one of the 25 participating businesses over the next three weeks, fill out a coupon and drop it in the box at the counter and you could win $250, $500 or $1000 in Shop Local gift cards which can be used at any of the participating stores.

S&J Furniture owner Karl Bauer said shopping locally was something “we can all do to support our local economy’’.

“Ninety-five per cent of our customers are local,” he said.

“Everybody needs to do their part to keep the local economy ticking over and provide employment for all the locals.

“Every dollar spent in town stays in the local community.

“We’re pretty passionate about the local spend, the smaller the store the better generally, but we have to support our local national chains that employ local people as well.

“The more support that local businesses get from local purchases, the more local job opportunities there are, and the more opportunities we have to support our local sports clubs and charities.”

The 2023 Easter Shop Local campaign starts today, and will be running for three weeks, with prizes drawn weekly.