
Skills shortage could lead to food insecurity

CSIRO scientists working with researchers in New Zealand and Canada have identified a skills shortage in plant breeding. Photo: CSIRO

There is an urgent need to train more scientists in plant breeding to help maintain global food production levels, according to research from Australia’s national science agency.

A lack of skilled scientists who specialise in plant breeding could lead to food insecurity, according to the joint paper between CSIRO, Lincoln University in New Zealand and McGill University in Canada.

Retiring experts and a lack of tertiary-qualified students are both contributing to the global shortage.

CSIRO scientist Lucy Egan, who led the study, said the research focused on Australia, New Zealand and Canada as they were known for their specific courses related to plant breeding.

Dr Egan said the skills shortage had also been previously identified in the United States and could impact agricultural production worldwide.

“That’s largely because they (plant breeders) develop new crop varieties that are tolerant for future climates,” Dr Egan said.

“There has been a reduction in recent decades of graduates training in plant breeding.”

Of the total number of survey respondents, just over half were aged 51 and above, highlighting a generational gap in the sector.

“What we’re seeing is a whole generation of highly skilled plant breeding specialists who are now reaching retirement age, with a gap left as university graduates opt to focus on other areas of plant science,” Dr Egan said.

“The implications of this shortage could be dire, including affecting global food security and the economies of different countries around the world, including Australia.”

The paper found the skills shortage needs to be urgently addressed to maintain the current levels of agrifood, fibre and feed production.

Researchers also identified a need for a co-ordinated approach in the training of future plant breeders in the private and public sectors.

The paper was published in Crop Science.