
Slime-tastic feat of fundraising at Cobram school

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Students Dylan Wilson, Tae Alderton, Christian Allcroft, Junior Naiyaga, Tyler McPherson, Charlie Tennant, Kayhden Safe, Caleb Evans, Ashtyn Speechly and Dustin Ryan. Photo by Owen Sinclair

On Friday, September 20, the Cobram Primary School community came together to celebrate the culmination of their month-long fundraising campaign.

The day itself saw students flying through an obstacle course laden with hurdles, alongside crawling and limbo stations.

Beset by water cannon, students crawled their way towards the finishing line. Photo by Owen Sinclair

All the while, staff and parents sprayed water cannons and slime at passing students from the relative safety of the sidelines.

Cobram Primary School students and friends Charlie Tennant and Harper Kelly. Photo by Owen Sinclair

According to some students, highlights of the day included “throwing [the slime] at your siblings” and “getting hit by the slime.”

“It’s been really good, everyone’s had a lot of fun,” said student Charlie Tennant.

“[I] definitely enjoyed the day,” fellow student Tyler McPherson said.

“Hope to finish it off with a bit more colour.”

Students leaped over hurdles while parents, staff and fellow students doused them in colourful dye and slime. Photo by Owen Sinclair

In the four weeks building up to the end of school term, each class competed with one another to raise the most funds for Foodbank Australia.

Foodbank Australia is a not-for-profit aimed at providing nutritional food to Australians in need.

The school’s initial goal was to raise $6000.

By the end of the first week, the students had raised more than $9000.

By the final day of fundraising, Cobram Primary School students had managed to raise over $18,200.

Students ran the gauntlet in the hurdles section of the obstacle course. Photo by Owen Sinclair

Mr Reid Clark, who spearheaded the fundraising campaign, said it was a great day for the students.

“They’ve done all the hard work with the fundraising with their parents,” Mr Clark said.

“I really want to make it known that we appreciate everyone in the Cobram community [for getting] behind this. The amount of money we’ve raised is well beyond what we thought we were going to raise – triple what we thought we were going to raise.”