
Smoky air on the horizon

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Caution needed: Moira Shire residents should take simple steps to keep their burn-offs safe. Photo by Simon Bingham

The sky around Moira Shire is set to become smokier, with an increase in burn-offs to be expected in the coming months.

Along with hundreds of Victorian farm and landowners carrying out burns, the CFA and partner agencies will be making the most of autumn conditions to conduct fuel reduction burns in preparation for summer.

Hundreds of Victorians are continuing to undertake private burn-offs.

Predicted weather conditions may prevent smoke from dispersing over parts of Victoria.

CFA chief officer Jason Heffernan said residents should know that if they saw smoke, the source may vary.

“Along with the important planned burns that are conducted in our forests, parks and reserves led by Forest Fire Management Victoria and the many kilometres of road, rail and grassland burns that are led by the CFA, this time of year also sees a large amount of smoke coming from the necessary burn-offs that our farmers and rural property holders complete,” he said.

Along with burn-offs, smoke may arise from wood heaters.

“This localised smoke or smoke haze can often be misinterpreted as coming from planned burns from a long way away, but this is not always the case,” Mr Heffernan said.

Despite the cooler weather and the ending of fire restrictions, Victorians must register their burn-offs to ensure that should the alarm be raised, local authorities know it’s a planned burn-off and not a genuine emergency.

To register a burn-off, visit

For the latest information about when and where planned burns are occurring near you, go to and download the app.

Keep your burn-off safe and legal:

▪ Check fire restrictions in your area and always register your burn at or by calling 1800 668 511

▪ Check and monitor weather conditions — particularly wind

▪ To avoid unnecessary calls to emergency services, notify your neighbours beforehand

▪ Leave a three-metre fire break, free from flammable materials around the burn

▪ Have sufficient equipment and water to stop the fire spreading

▪ Never leave a burn-off unattended — stay for its entire duration

▪ If your burn-off gets out of control, call 000 immediately