
Snapshot: Alisha Wrigglesworth

Alisha Wrigglesworth

Name: Alisha Wrigglesworth.

Age: 26.

Occupation: Yoga teacher.

Who is/are the most important person/people in your life: My family.

What was your childhood ambition: To be a fairy.

What is your fondest memory: Dad using extension cords to do the ironing by the pool to watch me while I swam.

What is your favourite album: Led Zeppelin I.

What is your favourite movie: Harry Potter.

What is your favourite book: Eleven Minutes by Paulo Coelho.

If you could invite three people over for dinner, dead or alive, who would they be: My Granny, Nike Jones and Libby Drummond.

What is your favourite holiday destination: India.

What is your speciality in the kitchen: Kimchi pancakes.

What is your favourite scent: Ylang ylang.

What is your favourite meal and drink: Sara Lee sticky date pudding and a coke with a lemon wedge.

What do you think you’ll be doing ten years from now: Climbing trees.

What do you want to be remembered for: Climbing trees.

What is your life motto: Be kind to every kind.