
Sophie Amos bakes a difference

Accolade: Echuca CFA junior member Sophie Amos recently received a medallion of appreciation from Governor-General David Hurley. Photo by Steve Huntley

Echuca CFA junior member Sophie Amos has demonstrated there truly is no-one too small to make a difference.

For three weeks, Sophie assisted volunteers at the Echuca CFA by baking scones to keep them fed as they dealt with the flood crisis.

The 14-year-old was initially nervous about helping out, but explained it was a positive experience overall and one she certainly would not forget.

“Everyone down there is really sweet and nice,” she said.

“I got to talk to the workers as well and I heard their stories.

“It was interesting and a great learning experience.

“It’s empowering getting to help a lot of people and seeing how these situations run. It’s a great environment for me.”

Sophie’s efforts recently received recognition from Governor-General David Hurley, who issued her a medallion of appreciation for her efforts in helping the workers.

Despite the flood crisis easing and things slowly returning towards normal, Sophie continues to volunteer with the CFA.

“I have still been going down on weekends and helping out,” Sophie said.

“When I’m 16, I plan on doing a General Firefighter course so I can get on a truck and go out to fire calls.

“But for the next two years, I’ll keep doing the junior stuff.”

What Sophie hopes others and herself can take away from her experience is that no effort is too small to make a difference.

“Don’t knock all the hard work you’re doing. It’s opening doors for you that you can’t yet see,” she said.