
St Anne’s expands with new buildings to be opened at ceremonial blessing

A photo taken during the construction phase. Photo by Megan Fisher

St Anne’s is preparing for an official opening and blessing ceremony, marking the completion of the second stage in the school’s college master plan.

Known as stage 2B in St Anne’s master plan, the school partnered with Moretto Building and No. 42 Architects to bring the expansion to life.

The new buildings have been created to allow students to explore more technical elements of the sciences and arts, and for the younger students, the incorporation of an outdoor play area.

Bishop Shane Mackinlay and Catholic Education Sandhurst Ltd executive director Kate Fogarty will both attend the opening and blessing ceremony.

This special occasion will take place on Thursday, July 25, from 1.30pm to 2.30pm. However, due to space constraints, the event is not open to the general public.

If anyone is available to assist with the set-up, visit the St Anne’s marketing office or contact St Anne’s directly on 4812 2993.

Alice O’Brien is a Media Communication and Design student at Monash University, and is currently completing an internship with The News.