
St Joe’s takes education ‘on the road’

Return to learning: St Joseph’ Primary School principal Liz Trewick on site soon after flood waters had receded from the Campaspe St site. A date for students to return to the school has not been confirmed. Photo by Megan Fisher

St Joseph’s Primary School students in Rochester will return to classroom learning at Elmore and Junortoun on Thursday as recovery works continue at their Campaspe St campus.

They are expected to spend the remainder of the 2022 school year at the two schools.

Parish land has been identified for an interim school site in Elmore in 2023, with portable classrooms expected to be built at that location in preparation for the new school year.

There is no timeline on a return to the Rochester site, with safety the top priority.

A community connection day on Wednesday, November 2, will signal a return to the curriculum, with Camp Kookaburra at Corop hosting the school population before students and their teachers go ‘’back to school’’.

Buses will leave from Campaspe St at 9am and return at 3.15pm, for the 20-minute trip to Elmore and the 45-minute journey to Junortoun.

There are some Rochester students living in Elmore and Bendigo, who will be able to be delivered directly to the schools. Each site (Junoroun, Elmore and Rochester) will have mobile phone access for parents.

Foundation to Year 2 children will be working from Elmore’s Our Lady of Sacred Heart Chevalier Centre.

Staff will prepare the classroom with items from St Joseph's to make sure the children are surrounded by familiar resources.

Children will have access to the playground at OLSH and will be included in some of the learning experiences that are offered in Elmore.

Years 3 to 6 will be based at the Sister Aloysius Arts Centre at Junortoun’s Catherine McAuley College.

The Rochester students have been provided with four classrooms for the next seven weeks.

Students will have access to the college’s play spaces, agricultural learning experiences, STEM building and canteen.