
State budget ‘lacks future investment’ in Mitchell Shire

Room for improvement: Mitchell Shire Mayor Fiona Stevens is disappointed in the state budget’s lack of funding for education in Mitchell Shire. Photo: Murray Silby Photo by Murray Silby

Mitchell Shire councillors are ‘disapointed’ with aspects of the 2023-24 Victorian budget, saying it does not address future needs of the shire, particularly in regards to education.

Of the 14 new schools announced for 2024, none have been allocated to Mitchell Shire.

Mayor Fiona Stevens said the omission disregarded the urgent need for quality education infrastructure in the rapidly expanding region, leaving Kilmore without any vision or planning for a secondary school.

“There are aspects of the state budget that can be significantly improved for Mitchell Shire, in particular further investment in much needed education facilities in our growing shire,” Cr Stevens said.

However, funding has been allocated for upgrades to Broadford, Wandong and Beveridge primary schools.

The Growing Suburbs Fund has been cut from $50 million to $10 million in what was described as a “significant blow to Mitchell Shire” in a council press release.

Since its introduction in 2015, the GSF has supported growth and development from Beveridge to Kilmore through $28 million in funding for 28 projects, including the Greater Beveridge Community Centre, Hadfield Park Play Space, Kilmore Rejuvenation project, Kilmore Family and Children’s Centre, Wallan East Family Centre, Wallan Community Service Hub (The Orange Door) and Wallan Integrated Family and Children’s Centre.

“We also urge the state to review the Growing Suburbs Fund grant allocation in future budgets, as without it Michell Shire will be absolutely hamstrung in our ability to deliver much-needed and overdue infrastructure,” Cr Stevens said.

A silver lining from a shire perspective is the Watson St interchange project funding announced for the Hume Fwy at Wallan.

“The budget commitment for the Watson St interchange is a monumental step forward for our community,” Cr Stevens said.

“This interchange has long been a pressing need and its realisation will greatly improve traffic flow, enhance road safety and bolster economic opportunities for our residents and businesses.

“In addition, it will also substantially benefit all traffic users of the Hume Fwy and Northern Hwy who are currently impacted and caught in the unacceptable existing congestion as they head north.

“We look forward to at last seeing shovels in the ground on this project imminently.”