
State Government to be first customer of Glenrowan Solar Farm as SEC returns

Big announcement: Victorian Minister for the State Electricity Commission Lily D’Ambrosio. Photo by AAP/Joe Castro

Glenrowan Solar Farm hosted Minister for the State Electricity Commission Lily D’Ambrosio for a significant announcement on Friday, October 27.

The State Electricity Commission is being reinstated and aims to cultivate a new workforce in the energy sector.

Its reintroduction aligns with the Victorian Government’s target to achieve 95 per cent renewable energy by 2035.

Ms D’Ambrosio said when the Glenrowan Solar Farm is completed it will supply power to government operations across Victoria.

“This project is part of the SEC’s 10-year strategic plan and will become part of the SEC as it sells power to the Victorian Government as its first customer,” Ms D’Ambrosio said.

“Our next Big Build is the renewable energy transition, and the SEC will help attract and train the renewable energy workforce Victoria needs.

“The SEC is set to create more than 59,000 jobs and will help deliver an unprecedented workforce of highly skilled renewable energy professionals.”

The Victorian Renewable Energy Target aims to deliver 1.2 gigawatts of energy, which will help to power every public hospital, school and Victorian Government operation with 100 per cent renewable energy by 2025.

To achieve this, a highly skilled workforce will be essential and the SEC is projected to create over 59,000 local jobs for Victorians, including 6,000 traineeships and apprenticeships.

Ms D’Ambrosis emphasised SEC will build the workforce Victoria needs by partnering with industry, schools, TAFEs and universities to develop a pipeline of skilled renewable energy professionals.

“The SEC Centre of Training of Excellence will attract, train and retain this new renewable energy workforce,” she said.

Consultation with industry leaders and Traditional Owners will start soon and help design the new SEC Centre, slated to open in 2025.

Towards the end of 2023, the SEC will also begin to engage with students at school career nights and events to promote the growing number of renewable energy jobs and career pathways available.

The 102-megawatt Glenrowan Solar Farm will support 150 full-time jobs and will have the capacity to power about 45,000 Australian homes.

For more information about the SEC and how it will support a growing renewable energy workforce, visit