
Stay sun smart this summer

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Slip, slop, slap: SunSmart Victoria is urging Victorians to be mindful of harmful UV rays as the weather heats up Photo by Getty Images

SunSmart Victoria is calling on Victorians not to be complacent regarding sun protection as summer approaches.

Recent research from the 2022 Summer Sun Protection Survey has shown only one in two Victorians use sun protection as part of their daily routine during summer.

The survey also revealed that more than one-third of recent sunburns occurred when people undertook their everyday activities, such as walking, gardening and playing with children.

SunSmart has launched Victoria’s Don’t Let Cancer In campaign to remind Victorians of the importance of sun protection habits over summer.

Victorian Health Minister Mary-Anne Thomas said the personal impact of skin cancer on Victorians and their families could be devastating and she supported SunSmart Victoria’s mission to increase sun protection behaviours to save lives.

“This is an important campaign for Victoria, as we know skin cancer is preventable. We want to see families across the state using sun protection every time they head outdoors when the UV index is three or above,” she said.

“Skin cancer can happen to anyone. The best way to stay safe from harmful UV rays is to plan ahead: stay indoors on extreme UV days and seek shade where you can, remember your sunscreen and cover up with loose clothing and a hat.”

Head of SunSmart Victoria Emma Glassenbury said while it was fantastic to see the high level of understanding of the connection between using sun protection and reducing risk of skin cancer, ongoing work needed to be done to ensure sun protection was part of everyone’s daily routine.

“We’ve made great and significant strides in Victoria in terms of reducing the burden of skin cancer, particularly in younger age groups, but we are concerned some population groups are not heeding the sun protection message and suffering the consequences,” she said.

“That’s why this new campaign is addressing complacency head-on and will speak to parts of our most at-risk population groups, including men who are twice as likely to die from melanoma and those in regional areas who are diagnosed at 44 per cent more than those in metropolitan areas.

“Our data shows that it is often everyday outdoor activities where people fail to use sun protection, exposing their skin to the sun’s harmful UV radiation.”

SunSmart wants to remind all Victorians when the index hits three, cover up from UV.

“Skin cancer is almost entirely preventable with good sun protection,” Ms Glassenbury said.

“Cover your skin by wearing a hat, clothing and sunglasses. Apply suncream to any parts of skin you can’t cover with clothing and enjoy shady areas outdoors to give you extra coverage.”