
Stepping up as voices for youth

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Young leaders: Mitchell Shire Council's 2022-23 junior councillors (back from left) Josh, Cooper, Bailey, Georgia; (front) Max, Paris, Nic and Gypsy (absent: Hannah).

The latest Mitchell Shire Youth Council has been sworn in during an official ceremony at the council chambers in Broadford on Monday, July 18.

The youth council offers a way for young people aged 12 to 24 to have their voices heard on issues that impact them and to advocate for all young people in the shire.

The 2022-23 youth council comprises young people from across Mitchell Shire who bring a range of passions and interests to the role.

New faces are joining previous youth council members who have returned for their second, third and even fourth years.

Mitchell Shire Mayor Bill Chisholm said the youth council was an important source of information for its senior counterpart.

“Youth council is an important voice for youth in our shire,” he said.

“As senior councillors, the information we get about the services and facilities needed by young people is invaluable.

“I look forward to working with youth council and understanding what senior councillors can do to improve the lives of Mitchell Shire’s youth now and into the future.

“I congratulate these nine young leaders for stepping up and working to improve their communities.”

Mitchell Shire Youth Council 2022-23

Georgia Fletcher (Mayor)

Georgia is embarking on her third year on youth council and represents the South Ward. Georgia has represented the local youth voice as an advocacy initiative panel member.

Cooper Price (deputy mayor)

Cooper returns for his second year on youth council and represents the Central Ward. Cooper is passionate about equality, safety and community connection. He has represented young people on local advocacy campaigns, including the delivery of petitions to parliament.


Gypsy is making her debut on youth council this year, representing the North Ward. Gypsy is studying a Bachelor of Youth Work at Victoria University and has previously completed work experience with Mitchell Youth Services. She is representing the North Ward and is passionate about making a difference in her local community.


Hannah is embarking on her first year on youth council and will be representing the North Ward. Hannah is passionate about mental and physical health and will be an advocate for this in the community.


Max is beginning his first year on youth council and will be representing the North Ward. Max enjoys playing football and tennis and has leadership experience through his position as house captain at his school.


Representing the North Ward, Nic is making his debut on youth council this year. Nic is passionate about mental health and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on it. Nic has great communication and social skills and demonstrates these in his leadership position at Scouts.


Bailey is beginning his first year on youth council and will be representing the Central Ward. Bailey has held positions on Junior School Council and his school’s Student Representative Council as school captain. Bailey is passionate about helping others and representing the community.


Paris returns for her fourth year on youth council and represents the Central Ward. Paris is an advocate for increased wheelchair access across the shire so she and others can better participate in community activities and resources.


Joshua returns for his second year, representing the South Ward. Joshua is a passionate supporter of a youth voice to local advocacy initiatives.