
Still time to save lives by voting for your worst road

Interim results of a safety campaign asking drivers to name Victoria’s worst road have called out roads in eastern and central Victoria as the most dangerous, but there’s still more time to have your say.

Topping driver’s votes for roads most in need of repair are the Great Alpine Rd, which stretches from Wangaratta to Bairnsdale, and the Melbourne-Lancefield Rd in central Victoria.

Shadow Minister for Roads Steph Ryan encouraged all Victorians to continue to contribute to the campaign at, which will develop a priority list to give to the roads minister.

“This campaign is every Victorian driver’s opportunity to contribute to saving lives in a year when the road toll is alarmingly high,” Ms Ryan said.

“Rough, potholed roads are putting Victorian lives at risk every day, but the truth is this risk could be avoided if the Andrews Labor Government chose to properly invest in maintaining safe roads.

“But Labor’s deep cuts to road maintenance mean our roads are littered with rough potholes and crumbling road shoulders that, in some instances, have left the road so narrow it’s impossible to safely overtake another car — let alone a truck.

“This road safety campaign hands the power back to the people who are driving our roads every day so we can properly prioritise the roads that are most desperately in need of repair.”

The Andrews Labor Government has axed $200 million from the road maintenance budget in the past two years alone.

And in a year of alarmingly high deaths on Victorian roads, the Government will put less effort into road safety with the State Budget also cutting back targets on road safety initiatives from a high of 73 to just 34 this year.

Ms Ryan said by voting in the online campaign, Victorians can support a push to get the Andrews Labor Government to reverse these cuts.

“Decades of neglect under Labor governments that have been in power for 20 of the past 24 years has left our roads in a dangerous mess of disrepair,” Ms Ryan said.

“A change of government in November will deliver more funds for road maintenance with a 25 per cent Regional Infrastructure Guarantee — but we know Victorian lives can’t afford to wait that long.

“I urge all drivers to vote for the worst roads in the state, so I can take this list to the Roads Minister in coming months.”

To submit a road visit