
Student teacher joins school

St Joseph’s Catholic School community has welcomed Steph Arnold to the school for the rest of Term 3, as part of her Certificate III in teacher support.

Steph will be fulfilling her volunteer placement at the school, attending on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.


St Joseph’s school disco is this Friday, September 6, and there is to be a clean-up working bee on September 14-15 at the school. Many hands make light work!


The Jerilderie Public School’s production of The Jungle Book, under the direction of Ben Stonnill, will be presented next Wednesday, September 11.

There will be matinee and evening performances. Gold coin donation to attend.


JPS’s Book Week celebrations will be held next Friday, September 13, when staff and students are invited to dress up as their favourite book characters.


Murrumbidgee Council is organising a Beginner Skate Workshop and Roller Disco, to take place during the school holidays.

The Jerilderie date will be October 1, from 3pm.

Registration is essential and can be either scanned from the advertising brochures around town, or by contacting the council office.


Congratulations to Ruth McRae who was re-elected unopposed in the council elections, and has earned brownie points for 20 years as Murrumbidgee Council’s mayor.

Also re-elected unopposed for the Jerilderie ward were Faith Bryce and Troy Mauger.

The only ward going to an election on September 14 is the Murumbidgee ward.