
Support for council road safety in Indigo

In light of the recent road tragedies in Rutherglen, Indigo Shire Council is thrilled to receive funding support to assist with improving road safety.

Indigo Shire Council was one of the forty successful applicants in the latest round of the Transport Accident Commission’s (TAC) Local Government Grant Program.

The council will receive $26,290 to purchase two standard Variable Message Signs with radar capability to target issues of speeding and drink driving.

Indigo Shire Mayor Sophie Price says the funding to purchase a new electronic signage board will not only assist in communicating important safety messages, but will also save the council considerable money in not having to hire this equipment.

The Variable Message Sign includes radar capability, which means it can relay in real time the speed of oncoming vehicles, telling those exceeding the speed limit to slow down.

“We are very grateful to the Victorian State Government for the grant funding and for dedicating a large amount of money towards improving our ability to be able to provide road safety messages to drivers,” Cr Price said.

Projects funded through the grant program must use Safe System principles with a focus on reducing crashes involving pedestrians and cyclists, those most vulnerable to trauma on our roads.

“Any life lost on our roads is a tragedy, that’s why we’re working with councils across the state to implement projects that keep Victorians safe,” Minister for Roads and Safety Melissa Horne said.

The Safe System is a holistic approach to road safety that recognises different elements of the road environment must work together to keep everyone safe - these elements include roads and roadsides, vehicles, travel speeds, and road users.

“This grant will make it easier and safer for locals to get around – whether that’s on foot, by bike or on wheels,” Member for Northern Victoria, Jaclyn Symes concluded.