
Support for growth and progress

Federation Council’s Deputy Mayor Shaun Whitechurch and Mayor Pat Bourke at a meeting with Globe Hotel owner Dan Casey.

Federation Council Mayor Pat Bourke and Deputy Mayor Shaun Whitechurch have reemphasised their commitment to the revitalisation of Corowa, meeting with Globe Hotel owner Dan Casey and expressing their support for the major project, and other developments within Federation Council.

“This project is exactly what Corowa needs,” Mayor Bourke said.

“It will not only renew a significant heritage site but also inject energy into our local economy.”

The Globe Hotel, a longstanding fixture in the community, has remained vacant for several years, prompting Mr Casey to take action to breathe new life into the iconic building.

Plans, as highlighted in the Free Press last month, include an ice creamery, café, front bar, beer garden, restaurant, wine bar, accommodation, private function space, and nine boutique units.

However, despite working efficiently with many councils in Victoria on a number of projects in the past, his efforts locally have been met with setbacks and delays, leaving him disheartened with the local council’s planning department.

“We've submitted all the necessary paperwork and complied with regulations, yet we continue to face unnecessary delays,” he said.

Despite the challenges, Mr Casey remains determined to see the project through to completion, expressing gratitude for the support he has received from the mayor, deputy mayor, other council staff and members of the community.

“I’m not bagging council as a whole; I think they’ve been terrific. It’s just the challenges and hurdles in planning are making things difficult.”

As with neighbouring councils, Federation Council has experienced planning/building and staff shortages as well as encountering many problems with the portal process, resulting in substantial delays with approvals.

Meeting with Mr Casey on Tuesday, Deputy Mayor Whitechurch emphasised the potential benefits the renovated Globe Hotel could bring to the community.

“We need to support initiatives like this that enhance our town's appeal and attract visitors,” he said.

“There are obvious hurdles, but the community should know, that while councillors can’t be involved with operational matters, we will advocate for progress within our towns.”